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"Best Dressed" Awards

To make the evening even more exciting, we will be holding the "Best Dressed" Awards!

Come styled in your Jazzy Splendour and stand a chance to win prizes generously sponsored by mtm labo Singapore for the best dressed ladies and gentlemen selected by Tatler Singapore.

Team up with your friends for a chance to win the Best Dressed Table award. 

How to participate: 

  • Style yourself in the your finest Jazzy Splendour outfit. 

  • Judges from Tatler Singapore will go around tables to judge. 

By taking part in this contest, you acknowledge and agree that the images may be published in our newsletter, publicity collaterals and/or posted over social media. 



Mrs Susan Peh

Gala Chairperson

(Board Vice-Chairman)

Dr Edmund Lam

(Board Chairman)

Mr Sean Wu 

(Board Treasurer)

Professor Jeremy Monteiro 

(Board & Executive Director)

Mr Abdullah Tarmugi

(Board Director)

Ms Karen Li-Mei Chan

(Board Director)

Mrs Sandra Chang

(Board Director)

Ms Sally Liew

(Board Director)

Mr Christopher Chuah

(Board Director)

Ms Cho Pei Lin

Dr Euan Murugasu
Mr Lucas Yang Taisong

Mr George So

Mr Patrick Ee


Ms Seraphim Cheong

Ms Shanice Khoo

Ms Cheryl Seet

Mr Benjamin Zhu

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Jazz Association (Singapore) (JASS)

A Charity Registered in Singapore (UEN 201626167G)

1 Straits Boulevard, 11-03F Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre, Singapore 018906

Tel: (65) 6741 0337 |

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